[Uim] traditional Chinese py input?

David Oftedal david at start.no
Mon Jan 12 23:47:17 EET 2004

> I also want to say thank you for using uim!
> As a Japanese, I want Japanese to get better support
> by international distributions.
> So uim's target is to get easy support of using and
> switching input methods of Japanese and other all
> langueges as well without dirty hacks.
> #Requirement of setting up servers to input Japanese is allowable.

On a related note, what would it take to make uim-xim work with all 
input methods and not just Japanese? Surely it must be possible to 
establish some key combination to switch between Japanese/Chinese/etc 
without the need to switch locale? In my opinion, not being able to 
switch input methods with XIM is the main problem that's keeping it from 
being useful.


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