[Uim] Romaja input method done... I think

David Oftedal david at start.no
Fri Jan 23 21:54:10 EET 2004

> I think "shitsumon" should be allowed, because it's common. And, if
> "Kamsa hamnida" is common, it's should be allowed, too.

Hmm, yes, ideally, a better input method should be thought up, because 
no Korean romaja standard seems to rely entirely on Hangeul alone, so 
that makes my input method nonstandard. If I could find a romaja 
standard that's exactly like the one used on Hangeul keyboard layouts, 
then at least I could use that as an excuse. ;)

As a possible solution, though, one could use candidate selection for 
any letter combination that contains b, d, g, j, or any letter that 
might give more than one result. I might try and get someone I know to 
advise me before I try anything like that, though. There's just too much 
about Hangeul I don't know, plus I'm not sure it would be worth it in 
the end.

> Yes, native language users are need to make practical input method... 
> If there's no licence problem, I'll add hanja.scm to uim repository. How
> do you think?
As for the license, feel free to just include it under whatever license 
UIM has.

Hangeul methods aside though... I have to say I'm so impressed by 
uim-anthy! I'm so glad you told me about it.


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