[Uim] Key combinations still break input

David Oftedal david at start.no
Sun Mar 21 15:23:28 EET 2004


I'm using the newest version of uim now, and I'm still strugging with 
some types of input causing previous input to be reversed.

The letters q, w, f, z, x and v aren't part any legal sequences in my 
keymap, so that's why they were causing trouble. Hoever, the letters c 
and y are legal input, and I had to add two empty entries to solve the 

((("y" ))(""))
((("c" ))(""))

Combinations like "yeobuseyo" or "yeobusecho" are working, but if you 
try any illegal combinations like "yeobusezo" or "yeobuseqo", you'll get 
something like "yeobueso".

There's one problem I haven't been able to solve though: The letter j 
causes the previous input to be reversed if preceded by a starting 
consonant, an a, and an n.

So hanja = nahja
ganja = nagja
banja = nabja


I haven't been able to find a solution for this yet. Any ideas? Perhaps 
I could make special entries for all consonants + a + n.


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