[Uim] uim-py: Adding idioms to PY.scm

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp
Wed Mar 31 16:49:17 EEST 2004


Unfortunately, uim team does not have Chinese and Korean developers.
So, support of these language will stay ordinary state for a while.

> 1. If I add basic 2,000 idioms to PY.scm, does it cause any problem?
I suppose probably it is OK.

> 2. I added idioms at the end of the list.  Should I sort it alphabetically?
No. You can make it in any order.

> 3. Is there a special tool to edit scheme files easily?  I made a  
> spreadsheet so I don't need to type brackets and double quotations again  
> and again, but I can't use uim-py in the program (OOo Calc).  I have to  
> type idioms in Gedit, copy&paste to the spreadsheet then to PY.scm...
Ah, it is too tedious...

> 4.  Is there a plan to implement a dictionary (something like Anthy) for  
> uim-py in the near future?  I wonder if I should wait for that rather than  
> edit PY.scm manually.  It'll be good for practice but time-consuming...
Well, I sometimes try to find usable Chinese library, but my Chinese
ability is too poor to read the document. Anyway, we want native Chinese
speaker to join our project as an adviser to verify practical usability.

#I think modifying PRIME to support Chinese can be an exciting project.

  Yusuke TABATA (yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp)

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