[Uim] Typing traditional Chinese with UIM

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Wed May 5 17:46:07 EEST 2004


On Tue, 04 May 2004 23:01:19 -0400
Duncan Mak <duncan at ximian.com> wrote:

> I wrote to the list awhile ago. I still haven't found a way to write
> only traditional Chinese characters with UIM. Is there a way?

Not yet. I'd look for the way to convert uim-py to traditional Chinese
characters and knew that's very difficult. So, I think we need new table
for uim-py-big5, but creating it is big job for me.

I have to climb down that I back away from the job, because my knowledge
about Chinese is poor. I promise that I will address uim-py-big5 after I
release uim 0.3.6.

> BTW, I tried uim 0.3.5, but it keeps on crashing for me ;-( I lost my
> backtrace of the crash now, I'll try to recreate it and post it to the
> list.

I'd recieved some bug reports and patches about 0.3.5 crashing. I will
release 0.3.6 on this night and hope that works in your environment.

If you have enough time, I hope you to challenge uim-z. (If you forgot
it, see http://freedesktop.org/pipermail/uim/2004-April/000234.html)



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