[Uim] Debian package of qt-immodule for Uim is now available!

Kazuki Ohta mover at hct.zaq.ne.jp
Fri May 21 00:10:42 EEST 2004

Hi, Yukiko.

Thank you for testing Qt-immodule!
If you have any problem or any idea about qt-immodule, please post the 
messsage to this list or email me.

>  It seems  I can't use uim in OpenOffice.org programs though.  Maybe I did 
something wrong...
OpenOffice.org doesn't have immmodule like function, and we all can input on 
OOo via XIM only....(OOo uses the original GUI Toolkit called vcl)
So, if you cannot input through uim-xim, that's the problem of uim-xim.


Kazuki Ohta : mover at hct.zaq.ne.jp

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