[Uim] Determine the semantic of reset

TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki tkng at xem.jp
Thu Jun 2 14:07:18 EEST 2005

On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 19:18:48 +0900
Kenichi Handa <handa at m17n.org> wrote:

> In article <20050601165610.2bfb6b78.tkng at xem.jp>, TOKUNAGA Hiroyuki
> <tkng at xem.jp> writes:
> >>  > As mentioned above, I think some people would prefer preedit-
> >>  > commit- when-focus-out style, other won't. So it should be
> >>  > configurable.
> >>  
> >>  I have a different view on this problem.  In a Korean input
> >>  method, a character in preedit area is always commitable
> >>  (the reason it's not yet committed is simply because it's
> >>  difficult to modify it once committed), but in a Japanese
> >>  input method, not.  So, each input method module
> >>  (e.g. uim-anthy, m17n-ko-hangul2) should keep information
> >>  about which part of preedit area is ready to commit.  That
> >>  way, an input method engine (e.g. uim, scim) don't have to
> >>  warry about what to do on focus-out/move.  It should commit
> >>  only committable characters.
> > That's an interesting idea, but this approach need major surgery in
> > the case of uim. (There's no way to get know comittable strings
> > from the application side, and sometimes preedit string != commit
> > string.)
> Yes.  My view is an ideal one.  To realize that, we need an
> agreement among the input method module developpers.
> In the case of m17n-lib, I can easily modify Korean (and the
> other) input methods to attach, say `committable' text
> property, on preedit text, then uim can check that property.

Maybe I found a problem for this approach. If user want input method to
commit when focus-move, but not commit when focus-out, what we should
do? I like this behavior.

To allow such behavior, I couldn't think of any idea except adding new
'committable-when-focus-move-only' property.


tkng at xem.jp

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