[Uim] Accessing input methods from the m17nlib in UIM

Etsushi Kato ek.kato at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 01:45:15 PST 2006

On 12/10/06, Zach Rowinski <zachr at virginia.edu> wrote:
> The .mim files in the /usr/share/m17n/ look fine.
> The installed-modules.scm file has the following:
> (define installed-im-module-list '("m17nlib"))
> (define enabled-im-list '())
> (define system-available-im-list enabled-im-list)
> You can see that m17nlib is installed, but no m17n-*-* IM names appear in
> the enabled-im-list. Is there a clear solution to this?

This means uim's m17nlib IM module is loading fine, but m17n-lib
itself doesn't recognize its *.mim files.  It seems something weird
version mismatch occurred between m17n-lib and m17n-db.  Which version
of m17n-lib and m17n-db do have you installed?

Etsushi Kato
ek.kato at gmail.com

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