[Uim] Improvement of documentation

YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
Sun Nov 19 16:26:36 EET 2006

Hi Martin, thanks for the considerations.

At Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:03:55 +0000,
martin at swift.is wrote:
> One question, though: Should we consider another license? I'm just
> wondering if the GFDL is unecessary. Frankly, I don't think the
> attribution requirements are necessary (I don't see anyone stealing
> the docs and passing them off as their own).
> I'm not saying that the GFDL is a bad license or that it will be a
> great hindrance to the documentation. My argument is that since we
> don't need it the license requirements (citation of any bit that is
> moved, a copy of the license accompanying any part of the
> documentation, the inability to relicense, ...) are an unecessary
> annoyance.
> I didn't have a chance to look at other licenses, as I wanted to bring
> this up before any large scale copying of content took place. I'll try
> to have a look at some licenses today (Sunday, GMT) and give some
> suggestions if the rest of you guys are open to this. I think that
> even putting the doc simply in the public domain or double-license it
> with some CC or the GFDL might be the way to go.
> Please let me know your oppinions on this.

In this case, any sort of faith had not involved on the license
selection. GFDL is simply selected to satisfy:

  - contents interoperability with Wikipedia
  - the license requirement of elwiki.com

I would like to contribute general input method -related topics
to Wikipedia once any page of uim Wiki get appropriate for
it. For example, the terms "preedit", "surrounding text", "XIM",
"on the spot", and so on should be explained well for uim users,
and then everyone.

Although contributing such documents to Wikipedia does not
require that they are written with GFDL, importing a document
fragment from Wikipedia into an uim document requires the
document GFDL. So to avoid bothering license handling on such
import, I want to make all uim Wiki documents GFDL at first.

In my supposition, such 'import' from Wikipedia is not a
citation. For instance, we may compose an uim Wiki page about
Han unification with a document fragment from Wikipedia as

  Han unification is the process used by the authors of Unicode
  and the Universal Character Set to map multiple character sets
  of the CJK languages into a single set of unified
  characters. The Chinese characters are common to Chinese (where
  they are called hanzi), Japanese (where they are called kanji),
  and Korean (where they are called hanja). Modern Korean, Chinese
  and Japanese typefaces may represent a given Han character as
  somewhat different glyphs. However, in the formulation of
  Unicode, these different glyphs were treated as the same
  character. This unification is referred to as "Han unification",
  with the resulting character repertoire sometimes referred to as

  In uim, it affects some Chinese input methods such as ...

How do you think about it?

> I'm wanting to completely rewrite them. I'll put an outline up soon.

I look forward to read it.

> On Sun, Nov 19, 2006 at 05:35:45AM +0900, YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen wrote:
> > I want to reorganize current uim.freedesktop.org pages as
> > follows.
> Why not move the entire site to the wiki? If we need to seperate the
> documentation from other software related information (technical
> details, contacts, etc.) we could put these in a different namespace
> (namespaces are designated by a string prefixed to the page name,
> seperated with a colon; e.g. "Help:Installation"). The elwiki staff
> might allow us to create our own namespace, such as "Docs", "Handbook"
> or "Manual".

Think it as a temporary solution.

Since I'm not confident of service availability of elwiki.com,
and we may re-migrate the wiki site to another place if
something good or bad has been happened, I want to keep the four
'core' pages of the project remained on the current official
site. Other technical details, contacts and so on are supposed
to be moved to new wiki.

* Keep remaining on uim.freedesktop.org

YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen  yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
FAMILY   Given / Nick

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