[Uim] gtk-immodules problem

Etsushi Kato ek.kato at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 10:56:45 EET 2007


On 3/14/07, n g <sghnqk at gmail.com> wrote:
> refer to http://www.gtk.org/api/2.6/gtk/gtk-running.html
> enviroment variable GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE is very handy,
> in case of uim installed into different prefix than gtk did,


> for example, gtk install at prefix /usr/local
> while uim installed at prefix /opt/uim,
> make install should generate the file
> /opt/uim/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodule by
> GTK_PATH=/opt/uim/lib/gtk-2.0 gtk-query-immodule >
> /opt/uim/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodule
> then in desktop enviroment, for example, gnome, just set the enviroment
> GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE=/opt/uim/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodule
> currently(uim-1.4.0) wont generate gtk.immodule, if she didn't find a
> previous one in that place,
> this prevent uim to function normally,
> but require uim to be installed at the same prefix as gtk.

OK.  I've modified the install hook in trunk.   uim 1.5.0 will install
gtk.immodules config file properly unless DESTDIR is specified.
Please check http://websvn.freedesktop.org/uim/trunk/gtk/Makefile.am?r1=3971&r2=4480
and let me know if you have any further suggestion.

Etsushi Kato
ek.kato at gmail.com

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