[waffle] [wflinfo] [RFC] platform-specific info from wflinfo

Emil Velikov emil.l.velikov at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 02:44:52 PST 2015

On 12 February 2015 at 02:01, Chad Versace <chad.versace at intel.com> wrote:
> On 02/10/2015 01:20 PM, Frank Henigman wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 4:08 PM, Frank Henigman <fjhenigman at google.com> wrote:
>> Looks like Issue #3 is the format of the information.  I thought it
>> was given we should duplicate existing glxinfo/eglinfo/etc as closely
>> as possible, in order to be a drop-in replacement, but if I follow the
>> suggestions Chad made on github
>> (https://github.com/fjhenigman/waffle/commit/d0b45bb9850e6ae29ee379a2d3e8ba14afc1b872)
>> we'll be diverging.  "Improving" on existing tools is ok with me - I
>> don't have a huge investment in code to parse their output - but I
>> wonder if others feel differently.
> (+Jordan, +Dylan, questions below)
> Oh, when I made those Github comments, I didn't know you were trying to
> duplicate glxinfo output verbatim. Now I understand why the GLX lines
> look so different from wflinfo's current output.
> glxinfo wraps long lines for extension strings and separates extension names with commas.
> wflinfo intentionally prints extensions strings in their original form: single line,
> extension names separated by spaces. If I recall correctly, Jordan and Dylan wanted
> that format so that consumers who parsed wflinfo text output would be guaranteed a stable
> format.
> If wflinfo has mixed line formats (some lines are comma-separated and wrapped, some
> are space-separated), I fear that may cause problems for already-existing consumers.
> Dylan, Jordan, do you have an opinion here? Does this really matter?
The above are some examples why I am doubtful about adding such
function in waffle.

One might want the extensions listed in alphabetic order, another to
have them one per line, another will likely be interested the client
extensions, or maybe the server ones, the GLX/CGL/WGL/EGL version only

Imho in order for one to get some flexibility I would opt for query
mechanism for issue 1.

Chad, genuine question, can you please describe how having a string is
more extensible ?


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