[waimea] (no subject)

opus at milneweb.com opus at milneweb.com
Sat Aug 14 05:42:39 EEST 2004


On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 18:25:50 -0500, Dan Ostrowski <dan at ostrowski.cc> wrote:
> >  First, I want to get rid of the
> > foolish 'mouse-over' focus.  When I open a new window I want the focus to
> > go to it. 
> Careful with your definition of "foolish" most of us like that feature. Also I
> think you can change the focus type directly from the right click menu in
> waimea... no configuration needed...

'Foolish' to me that is.
> > When I have a terminal open and I want to us another window, I click on the
> > other window and yet the first one wont go away.  I tried editing the
> > .wamiearc and point the action file to sloppy focus, which I think is the
> > one I want...nothing changes. 
> What do you mean by "go away"? Focus won't go away you mean? Have you tried
> clicking on the titlebar? (probably not). Sloppy focus is NOT what you want
> it sounds like...

When I open a new window, I want the focus to be on that window.  I dont 
want to move my mouse to it or click the titlebar. 

Yes, it works if you want to click the titlebar....which is what I dont want 
to do.  It seems you need to have your mouse run all over the place to get 
anything accomplished. 

> > Coming from Flux, this is unbearable, but I thought I would at least give
> > it a fair shot. 
> No one _made_ you switch, but I hope you figure it out...

Actually, someone held a knife to my back and told me to switch from Flux to 
Waimea...now!  Then in the twinkling of an eye, my cowdog Kate, jumped up 
and nipped them in the backside....where I then overtook them and removed 
the knife from the offender. 

You know how it is, you use something for a long time and then try to 
change...and things are way different.  *;o)

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