[waimea] autostarting programs

Andy Herrman aherrman at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Aug 16 15:36:18 EEST 2004

bryce wrote:

> Under what config file do i put any commands/programs that i wanted 
> autostarted?

I've noticed that every window manager has a different way of doing 
this.  However, I've found a way that tends to work regardless of the 
window manager you're using, so it's how I do it.

I just add the commands to my .xinitrc, before the call to exec the 
window manager.
For instance, here's my .xinitrc for waimea:

exec waimea

(waimmods is a shell script I wrote that runs all the docapps I want to 
start at startup).

I like this method because it's not wm specific, so if I change window 
managers (which I do every once in a while to try new ones), I don't 
have to re-learn how to start apps automatically.


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