[waimea] Background & trasparency

frankx frenk at box.it
Thu Jun 10 23:04:33 EEST 2004

David Reveman wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 01:06 +0200, frankx wrote: 
>>I've just installed waimea 0.5.0 but I cannot understand how to change 
>>the background ! O_o
>The easiest solution is to start waimea with '--external-bg' switch and
>just set the background with any program you like. Make sure that the
>program supports the _XROOTPMAP_ID hint, if you want translucent
>decorations to work correctly.
>>someone can help me ?? Many thanks
>>Just another question: is possible to have transparency as in waimea 
>>0.4.0 ??
>Transparency is built into the style engine in much more genuine way
>now. Each decoration window is an ARGB drawing surface, it's up to the
>style to do whatever it likes with this drawing surface.
>Currently only pseudo-transparency for top-level windows is supported by
>waimea, but as soon as I have time, I'll try to write a compositing
>manager for waimea. This will allow for effects like real transparency
>and window shadows on X servers that support the new Compositing
Thank you for your good work, David !



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