[waimea] waimea+cairo1.0_2.patch

Graham Forest vitaminmoo at wza.us
Wed Oct 5 01:26:44 EEST 2005

As of Mark's patch, everything compiles properly here, but it doesn't
work. Well it does work, it just doesn't render much of anything. The
default Xorg root window eye-burning pattern stays on the Desktop, and
no windows or menus show up. Every few tries, a border around where the
root menu should be is distorted in the background (like moved over one
pixel, so the pattern doesn't line up), and everything seems to work
(workspace switching by moving the mouse to the borders, hitting the
exit menu entry by clicking where it should be), but it just doesn't

I'm running Ubuntu Breezy, and my cairo, libsvg, and libsvg-cairo are
currently CVS HEAD.

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