concerns over wayland and need for wayland app display to X Server

David Jackson djackson452 at
Mon Feb 27 10:49:48 PST 2012

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Renaud Hebert <renozyx at> wrote:

> Hello,
> While I'm not found of Wayland (I would have preferred X12), I note
> that your email to Wayland's developpers mailing list has all the
> subtility of a troll,
> making sure that whatever point you may have will be totally ignored
> by everyone (I'm quite sure many will ensure that their mailer will
> drop your emails from now on).
> its not a troll. I am sincere about everything i say. These are very real
concerns of mine about wayland and how it will impact me.

Someone saying some thing that someone else may disagree with is not a
troll as long as as it is a sincere opinion. We are all allowed to have our
opinions, right.

As far as X12. X12 is not needed. that is because X11 provides the
extension mechanism that allows you do do anything that you need to extend
the protocol and do so in a backwards compatable way. That was one of then
many things X did right.

> Also you're wrong about this:
> "from what i hear of wayland, applications give wayland a pixmap, meaning
> the application has to do all rendering on the CPU"
> applications give Wayland the address of a buffer in GPU's memory not
> in main memory so the application doesn't have to do the rendering on
> the CPU.
> Criticising before doing your homework ensure that nobody will listen:
> well done (not)!
Ooops. Sorry about that. You see, i read the documents but, I guess i must
have missed that detail. It was a mistaken misunderstanding and I am sorry.

Also about network transparency, while one could add network
> transparency in Weston and this could work in a LAN, I doubt that it
> would work correctly in a WAN:
> Wayland only see images of the application, so the bandwith used would
> be big (not sure about the RTT though).
> So IMHO unfortunately even if Wayland is made network transparent,
> while X is already not very good in a WAN, Wayland will likely be
> worst..
I have used  VNC which is pixmap based but can use compression of the
pixmap, and it works well enough over a WAN. Ive tried it from numerous
places and it works fine over DSL and cable modem. Both X and VNC can be
run over SSH with added encryption.  There are already existing projects,
NX Technology, which can compress the X protocol stream as well. If an app
makes use of GLX, a lot of compression is done by the app using where
possible the vector graphics API. X also has basic vector primatives in the
core protocol.

> reno.
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