Participating in Google Summer of Code 2012

Tiago Vignatti tiago.vignatti at
Fri Mar 16 12:37:47 PDT 2012


On 03/16/2012 12:42 PM, Николай Антонов wrote:
> It's high time to begin discussing application ideas with mentoring
> organizations.

seems Google cut by half the number of accepted organizations this year:

and X.Org didn't get in - I didn't hear if the Foundation applied as 
mentoring organization actually. So one interested on Wayland 
development should try to send the proposals to the siblings communities 
like GNOME, KDE, libva, kernel, among others.

> I have several ideas that can improve wayland:
> - multi-gpu support: I think to do gpu hot-switch will be very
> difficult, but it's possible to implement running applications on
> another gpu (I hope).
> - remote wayland - absence of such feature is one of the most
> criticised/controversial disadvantage of wayland
> - and may be backlight control =)

we just landed on Weston some basic backlight control a couple of days ago.


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