Thoughts about decoration information in the xdg_shell

Jesse K jessek123456 at
Tue Nov 19 02:09:16 PST 2013


What about having a theme definition service for graphical environment?
This theme definition would contains  "hints" about windows decorations,
colors, fonts, textures, and much more.
The hints could only be recommendations - not requirements. The toolkits,
shells, CSD, SSD should ideally use these hints to give a more consistent
user experience.

I think the benefits would be:
1.  Better Visual consistency between applications in a windows environment
2. (optional) Visual consistency between the windows environments on the
same computer
3. The level of integration is optional - toolkits and windows environment
can select the level of integration they want
4. It's extensible, new hints and level of integration of toolkits /
windows environment could be developed at their own pace
5. Separation of concern - theme definition service would NOT do any
rendering, only supply hints/recommendations
6. Equal beneficial for both CSD / SSD
7. Technical neutral regarding CSD / SSD

Is this feasible?

On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Bill Spitzak <spitzak at> wrote:

> Thiago Macieira wrote:
>> On segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2013 10:28:12, Bill Spitzak wrote:
>>> Can you explain why "consistency" is so important for the window frame,
>>> but is not a problem for the buttons and scrollbars and text fields and
>>> everything else inside the frame?
>> I personally think that it is a problem. IMO, toolkits should provide a
>> way for an application to deeply integrate with the environment that
>> they're running in and have as best as possible look and feel and behaviour.
>> Maybe that's a race we can't win. But I do think we should try.
> I agree that it may be impossible, but it should be tried. And I think an
> important first step is to treat the window frames and the rest of the
> widgets the same, using the same library to draw them both.
> I think the solution is to try to come up with a minimal library with no
> "objects" (except maybe a "context" that is reused for every call). It
> would be something like "draw the outline of a button here with the
> pressed-in state" and "tell me the box to draw the label in for a button
> drawn here". The existence of the button is not stored by the library, the
> bounding box is passed to the calls.
> Qt's QStyle are a pretty good first approximation.
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