[PATCH 1/6] Add weston randr protocol

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 02:04:24 PST 2014

On Wed, 5 Mar 2014 09:40:32 +0000
"Wang, Quanxian" <quanxian.wang at intel.com> wrote:

> Just mention one thing
> Pq:
> But RandR is a disaster if random applications use it! Windows and
> icons squashed into top-left corner, dialogs too large to fit on the
> screen after the random application fails to restore the video mode,
> or the picture just looking horrible and an average user not even
> knowing why everything suddenly went ugly. [Wang, Quanxian] For this,
> if you think it is disaster because of mode setting. It is a pity. If
> the apps designer is careful, layout should be consistent with width
> or height of output. In my testing for randr protocol, I found window
> is designed to use width and height of output. Because it uses width
> and height of output, but it doesn't care the change of
> output(wl_output provides the mechanism to listen mode, scale
> change). You can read my patch 6/6 for bug fix. It is just one fix.
> It is the apps design flaw instead of wayland issue. Also you also
> find 200 or 600 some hard code number is set.

Yeah, it looks like the patch 6/6 would be a nice fix, but I think you
should resend that alone, so it won't have to wait until the protocol
design is concluded. It's a stand-alone patch, right?


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