Question about cairo-gl

Bill Spitzak spitzak at
Wed May 14 12:56:27 PDT 2014

The wayland build instructions also include the building of pixman and 
cairo in order to enable the cairo gl backend.

However I get the impression that weston does not use this unless a 
switch --with-cairo=gl is passed to configure. Only then does it produce 
calls to attempt to make a context (they fail on my machine so it uses 
the image backend anyway). Also without this switch weston clients 
happily link with and run with the system cairo which has no gl backend.

Since I am trying to figure out working build instructions, I was 
wondering what to do with this step:

1. Remove the compilation of pixmap & cairo

2. Add the --with-cairo=gl switch

3. It actually works without that switch, it's just that it is broken on 
my machine where no egl works.

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