How to grab the input event exclusively?

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at
Mon Dec 21 07:02:07 PST 2015

On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:35:14 +0000
Lance Bai <lancebai at> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have a question regarding grabbing the key input in weston.
> I am running weston-1.8.92 on raspberry pi2(i.e compositor-rpi, launch with
> weston-launch), and found that the /dev/input/eventX file descriptor is
> read by both weston and tty, which means the input will be showed on the
> tty terminial as well. However, I would like the key input taken by the
> weston application only, without showing what I type in TTY.

That sounds terrible. Please file a bug report.

> Should I set the input event fd with EVIOCGRAB in weston_launcher_open,
> like libinput/tools/shared.c? or is there any better approach?

The VT input should get disabled as part of the launching sequence and
also in the VT-switching sequence. Sounds like that's not working right.

Or it is possible that Weston is showing, but not on the VT it thinks
it is.

Do you have systemd or not?

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