Proposal for better collaboration on xdg-shell

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at
Mon May 11 00:38:19 PDT 2015

On Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:10:08 -0700
Bryce Harrington <bryce at> wrote:

> A while back Pekka asked if I'd help look at xdg-shell and how we can
> ensure it really does become a cross-desktop standard.  I promised to
> engage with the EFL folks and get their feedback, which I posted
> recently.


Hi all,

Bryce wrote a good and essentially simple proposal for getting things
rolling again. However, it turns out that my and his underlying
assumptions were not exactly true. We assumed that desktop projects
want to go forward all the time, on their own schedule. To support
that, Bryce wrote this proposal.

Since then in IRC, GNOME (with Jasper's voice) has said they can
actually wait for other DEs, especially KDE, to get on board.

So it seems the current plan is to keep xdg-shell in limbo at least
until KDE people can focus on it properly. And other DE projects, too.
In other words, not to hurry, but think things through with all major

Just letting you all know and collecting a hopefully good selection of
CCs to get the teams covered.


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