Leftover 1.8 release warnings

Bryce Harrington bryce at osg.samsung.com
Tue May 26 22:23:32 PDT 2015

None of the following stuff looks important enough to block the release,
but looks a little untidy.  Would be nice to have this cleaned up for

== Wayland ==

* make distcheck flags tons of undocumented members in wayland-util.h,
  wayland.server.*, and wayland-shm.c.

* publican maps:

  warning: failed to load external entity "../../../doc/publican/en-US/images/x-architecture.map"
  warning: failed to load external entity "../../../doc/publican/en-US/images/wayland-architecture.map"

* publican appendix missing ID in library constraint:

  Writing apb.html for appendix(sect-Library-Client)
  Error: no ID for constraint linkend: Server-wayland-server-core_8h_source.
  Writing apc.html for appendix(sect-Library-Server)

* relinking libwayland-cursor:

  Writing index.html for book
  libtool: install: warning: relinking `libwayland-cursor.la'
  libtool: install: warning: relinking `libwayland-cursor.la'

  Guessing this is innocuous, but hard to quell, so probably not much
  that can be done.

== Weston ==

Pretty clean actually.

* Raspberry Pi stubs warning:

  Info: running "make distcheck" to create tarballs:
  configure: WARNING: Raspberry Pi BCM host libraries not found, will use
  stubs instead.

  Is this warning all that useful?  Most non-Raspberry Pi owners won't
  need to have this, and Raspberry Pi owners will probably notice in
  other ways if the host libraries are missing?

* libtool finish warning:

  libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 bryce bryce 1317272 May 26 20:17 weston-1.7.93.tar.xz

  I think this one is entirely unnecessary, but could be misleading if
  you're trying to debug some random library-related issue.  Could this
  be suppressed somehow?

Again, none of the above are important to the release, to my knowledge.
Just mentioning out of an OCDish interest in tidiness.


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