Recommended dev setup?

David Piper drppublic at
Sat Dec 3 03:48:53 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I'm jumping back into the Wayland loop after more than a year. My first
port of call is once again building Wayland and Weston and getting some of
the sample clients running. About all I've done so far is install Weston
the quick and dirty (apt-get) way on Ubuntu and read through the build

Next I'd like to follow the build instructions, get some of the sample
clients running and then start writing my own toy clients. Once I've done
that I wouldn't mind hacking a bit on the weston compositor - probably not
touching libweston itself, but at least getting to know it.

I'll be pushing along in Ubuntu for now but I thought I should throw the
question out here - what is the best dev loop for working with Wayland?
Should I be using Ubuntu or should I look for an OS that supports Wayland
out of the box? What kind of environment setup would make things faster?


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