[RFC wayland-protocols] Add the color-management protocol

Graeme Gill graeme2 at argyllcms.com
Wed Dec 21 01:20:09 UTC 2016

Kai-Uwe wrote:

> PDF, SVG2 require handling of different blending color spaces. So the
> interface appears to be useful.

Yes, but would the compositor really be used to implement this ?

My assumption is that blending is a facility to allow the
window manager to create various visual effects, such as
transparency between different application windows.
I also assume that if a window is configured to
be partially transparent, then all bets are off
as far as color accuracy for that window. Of course
it would be nice if color is minimally affected by

> My concern is that input == output color space => NULL conversion is
> flacky. A explicite opt out of color correction would be much appreciated.

Setting a null (source) colorspace (is presumably) a way to do that, but
there is no mechanism for the application to know which
display the pixels will end up on, and objections have
been raised to providing the application with this information.

Graeme Gill.

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