[RFC wayland-protocols] Color management protocol

Graeme Gill graeme2 at argyllcms.com
Wed Dec 21 01:43:50 UTC 2016

Hi Chris,
> So the traditional way of making absolutely certain no program can
> hose the workflow is this crude lever in the video card. If you can
> come up with an equivalently sure fire reliable s that doesn't demand
> that the user draw up a list of "don't ever run these programs" while
> doing color critical work, then great. Otherwise, there's going to
> need to be a way to access the crude calibration lever in the video
> card. Even though crude, this use case is exactly what it's designed
> for.

I really wouldn't call it just a "crude lever", given the other
benefits, such as it being a higher resolution way to ensure
"nice" display characteristics. Other possible mechanisms
further up the rendering pipeline are not in as good
a place for this in some ways, and it has zero performance
impact. Tools, standards and workflows are already geared to this

	Graeme Gill.

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