thanks and introduction

Yong Bakos junk at
Thu Mar 10 04:35:15 UTC 2016

> On Mar 9, 2016, at 6:38 PM, Bryce Harrington <bryce at> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 03:21:12PM -0800, Yong Bakos wrote:
>> Specifically, I am:
>> git clone git://
>> cd wayland
>> ./ --prefix=$WLD
>> make check > check.log.txt 2>&1
>> I've also run `make check` after checking out the 1.10 branch, same results.
>> I seem to be missing a step. Thanks for any pointers and for sharing some of
>> your time with me.
> Odd, not sure why it'd show up for me but not you, although the default
> gcc flags can vary from one linux platform to the next.

After doing the same work on an Ubuntu VM I see the expected warnings.
What's f'd up is that I've just done it again in Fedora and I also see the 
expected warnings (!). I swear I was methodical this morning about this; no
idea why I'm now seeing the expected warnings, but I'm not going to lose
sleep over it. Thank goodness for central Oregon beer!

Thanks for listening, I'll work on those params.


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