[RFC wayland 1/9] wayland-egl: import libwayland-egl.so frontend library from Mesa

Duncan Roe duncan_roe at optusnet.com.au
Sun Sep 17 08:04:05 UTC 2017

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:29:19AM +0100, Emil Velikov wrote:
> From: Emil Velikov <emil.velikov at collabora.com>
> Takanari, Duncan,
> AFAICT the Renesas devices that you're using have an ImgTec IP inside
> them. Please check with Renesas and/or ImgTec, as one can build their
> driver as a Mesa component.
> As such you should be able to utilise the EGL/Wayland, EGL/Android and
> other features without having to write/maintain wrapper shims.

Hi Emil,

The only reason I'm involved is that I package wayland-egl for SBo.

SlackBuilds.org (SBo) provide additional packages ready to install on a system
running the Slackware Linux distribution.

I first packaged wayland-egl when it showed up as a dependency of VLC built with
all optional dependencies (and optional dependencies of dependencies ...). As
such, I have no idea when or even if wayland-egl gets used or how I would set
about testing whether a new release has an adverse effect on VLC.

Your email contains the checked-in Mesa code as of rev 17.1.9 / 17.2.0.

If I update my wayland-egl branch to this code and make a new Slackbuild, is
that likely to break anything?

I've made the updates locally, and see that it still builds
libwayland-egl.so.1.0.0. Shouldn't there be a version bump?

>From checking header files it does seem to me that the layout of struct
wl_egl_window is indeed opaque to the outside world, but all the same wouldn't
it be better to be able to see what version of the library one had installed?

Cheers ... Duncan.

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