[PATCH wayland-protcols v3] unstable: add xdg-toplevel-decoration protocol

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Sun Mar 18 17:02:07 UTC 2018


On 18 March 2018 at 16:22, Eike Hein <hein at kde.org> wrote:
> On 03/18/2018 10:45 PM, Daniel Stone wrote:
>> That strikes me as a problem. So what can we do to bridge the gap
>> between these projects?
> FWIW, I agree this is a problem. KDE's Wayland contributor base is
> slowly growing, though - we have more people working on Wayland stuff
> than we had previously, and across more products which rely on it
> exclusively (e.g. Plasma Mobile) - and I'm optimistic this is going to
> lead to us talking more, talking earlier, and taking more responsibility
> for shepherding the stack, together.
> I'm also wondering if a shared "Planet Wayland" blog aggregator would
> make sense, and subscribing implementers from across the community to it
> - currently you have to take some more active steps to follow content
> published by people who solve interesting problems with Wayland, and
> regretably, perhaps the best way to discover them is whenever they cause
> drama on r/linux. That's a rather poor state of affairs.

Yeah, that's a good one. One other suggestion was that we should
document the review process: both setting expectations for
contributors, and also helping to gain new reviewers by making it
clear how best to review. As well as having something documented that
the whole community can agree on and hold each other to, rather than
undocumented lore.

Having a much better documentation base and website would be great as well.


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