
Jonas Ådahl jadahl at
Wed Jan 8 10:01:53 UTC 2020

On Wed, Jan 08, 2020 at 09:46:13AM +0000, Alan Griffiths wrote:
> Hi,
> with Mir's "mir-kiosk" being deployed for running single, fullscreen
> apps there are requests for ways that the apps can control the output
> mode. Looking at zwp_fullscreen_shell_v1 this appears to meet many of
> these requirements. However, it is "unstable" and I don't see evidence
> of it being widely used.
> So, what is the status of this extension protocol? Is it mostly
> forgotten? Or just waiting for a final push to stable?

The use case in mind when the fullscreen shell was written was making it
possible for compositors to outsource KMS and evdev integration to a
parent compositor, making it possible to write a compositor with only a
Wayland backend, then using e.g. weston and its fullscreen shell
implementation to make it possible to run seemingly native. Input would
be routed as regular wl_pointer, wl_keyboard events etc, and things like
plane assignment would be done by having the nested compositor use

This idea has more or less been abandoned however, so I'd say it's more
likely we can "archive" it rather than marking it as stable, as there
are as far as I know no real users of it.

For kiosk mode, you still probably want to use xdg-shell, as it's not
unlikely the kiosk application still wants to use things like popup
surfaces for drop down menus etc. Your compositor can, when in kiosk
mode, for example only allow one client, with only a single toplevel,
that is always configured as fullscreen.


> Thanks,
> Alan
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