weston-info as a standalone utility

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Thu Jul 9 14:41:34 UTC 2020


On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 at 15:38, Pekka Paalanen <ppaalanen at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 10:32:56 +0200
> Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at gmail.com> wrote:
> > In the meantime, Peter has already submitted patches to wayland-info
> > (thanks Peter!) so the tip of wayland-info is different from
> > weston-info (basically, we have diverged already).
> >
> > Eventually, if nobody has objections, we could move that repo to the
> > wayland domain…
> thanks for doing this, looks good!
> +1 for having this under the wayland organization in Gitlab.
> +1 for deleting weston-info from Weston repository.
> Shall we keep the new repository only for "info" tools, or should
> it contain more, like Weston's simple-shm, simple-egl, and a
> rewrite of weston-eventdemo that doesn't use toytoolkit?
> I would be fine with moving all "simple" clients from Weston
> repository to there if that's appropriate.

+1 to all of the above. I'd be happy to see it in a utils and examples
repo, with at least the ones you mentioned here. I don't think
toytoolkit should ever be pushed in there, because then we run the
danger of people thinking it might be a good idea.


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