Ways to test Weston during development (Re: Full-motion zero-copy screen capture in Weston)

Pekka Paalanen pekka.paalanen at collabora.com
Wed Jun 5 08:09:49 UTC 2024

On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 20:33:48 +0000
"Hoosier, Matt" <Matt.Hoosier at garmin.com> wrote:

> Tactical question: I somehow missed until this point that the remote
> and pipewire plugins will only run if the DRM backend is being used.
> But the DRM backend *really* doesn't want to start nowadays unless
> you're running on a system with seatd and/or logind available.
> Toolbox [1] is the de facto way to develop on bleeding edge copies of
> components these days. But it logind and seatd aren't exposed into it.
> How do Weston people interactively develop on the Weston DRM backend
> nowadays?
> [1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/toolbox/

Hi Matt,

I'm doing it old-school on my workstation, without any containers. What
dependencies my distribution does not provide, I build and install
manually into a prefix under $HOME:


The "clean and reliable" is probably outdated in this era of

There is also 'meson devenv', but since I need multiple manually built
projects in the same session, I haven't really looked into how to make
that work for me.


When launching Weston, I have two different cases. Both need
my prefix installed environment as in the blog post.

- When I want to run on the same gfx card as my desktop, I VT-switch to
  a text mode login, log in, enter the environment, and simply run
  'weston'. This gets input and output devices from logind.

- When I want to run on my dedicated testing gfx card (no desktop
  there), I do it from a terminal window from my normal desktop: enter
  the environment, and run 'SEATD_VTBOUND=0 weston -Bdrm-backend.so
  --seat=seat-insecure -i0'. This requires prior setup:


  It uses libseat's built-in backend, so no seatd and no logind. The
  prior setup gives my user direct access to the necessary device
  nodes. I have a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse reserved for

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