Wayland design principles (Re: wayland and gambas)

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Wed May 1 00:21:41 UTC 2024

On Monday 29 April 2024 22:23:44 GMT-7 Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > There is worry in our community that Wayland is going to take over and x11
> > will become obsolete.
> It's inevitable. We're just arguing on timescales (I think Wayland will need
> more time to mature but it'll get there).

I used to too, but I think we'll see X.org removed from non-LTS distros by the 
end of the decade. At a minimum, I don't see it being offered as a default for 
desktop distros; you'll need to install with Wayland and then later switch to 

> You might not be, but you may run some app you download from some random
> place on the internet you THINK is nice (some sodoku game trinket thing)
> but it's actually trying to steal your banking details... This is only
> getting worse in a world of snaps/flatpaks ...

And even if most people on this list don't do that, there are people who do. I 
refuse to run proprietary code as much as I can, and when I can't I want it to 
run as a separate user (thus non-graphical) with very strong system 
protections in the systemd .service file.

But I have several colleagues who download flatpaks and similars. Wayland has 
to be designed with that in mind.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
   Principal Engineer - Intel DCAI Cloud Engineering

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