Wayland design principles (Re: wayland and gambas)

Jan Engelhardt jengelh at inai.de
Wed May 1 07:35:30 UTC 2024

On Tuesday 2024-04-30 07:23, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
>> Although gambas provides a Settings.Write(window_name) /
>> Settings.Read(window_name) that saves/restores the window placement and
>> size. It's bearable Wayland does not handle this.
>YOU should never be handling this. It's like saying "I'm used to having to
>hand-crank my car's motor for it to start... why can't I keep doing that?".

In keeping with the car analogy: one *can* handcrank the motor, one just 
needs a vehicle that implements *that*, so like youtu.be/4SZExEgLT_0 or, 
indeed, running gambas on an X11 interface (xorg-server, Xnest, 

>If all you do is the above, you've barely scratched the surface of
>"remembering my window". Things you don't handle above:
>1. Stacking remembering (relative to other things you may know nothing about
>like someoene else's windows)

I do not think anybody seriously uses overlaps, because searching
in stacks (Alt-Tab or whatever method) is kinda inefficient. People
either go big screen, workspaces/virtual desktops, or (say) temporarily
exiting/suspending an editor to run the compiler.

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