[ANNOUNCE] wayland 1.23.0

Simon Ser contact at emersion.fr
Thu May 30 19:03:16 UTC 2024

This is the official release for Wayland 1.23.

Besides numerous bugfixes and protocol clarifications, Wayland 1.23 includes
the following new features:

- A mechanism to set the size of the internal connection buffer used by
- An enum-header mode for wayland-scanner to generate headers with only enums
- wayland-scanner now generates validator functions for enums on the server
- Protocols can now indicate with a "deprecated-since" XML attribute that a
  request, event or enum entry is deprecated
- An API to set a name for a queue to aid debugging
- wl_client_get_user_data() and wl_client_set_user_data() to more easily attach
  custom data to a client
- OpenBSD support
- A wl_shm.release request for proper cleanup of this global

Commit history since RC1 below.

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera (1):
      protocol: clarify divergence in compositor behaviour

Simon Ser (1):
      build: bump to version 1.23.0 for the official release

git tag: 1.23.0

SHA256: 05b3e1574d3e67626b5974f862f36b5b427c7ceeb965cb36a4e6c2d342e45ab2  wayland-1.23.0.tar.xz
SHA512: 9c525231a7ea3e68d3178230d476285a960d23e38571ac96d885f86c0588c52ef01460bff6833db5adb9456ce8db7b996613611187aac972736748ba91b8fd81  wayland-1.23.0.tar.xz
PGP:    https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland/-/releases/1.23.0/downloads/wayland-1.23.0.tar.xz.sig

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