[Xcb] Running the X Test Suite
Josh Triplett
Thu Jan 27 14:53:52 PST 2005
I looked into how to run the X Test Suite, and managed to download and
run it using the following instructions:
Download the version of the X test suite from DRI CVS[1]:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/dri
cvs co xtest
Change to the xtest/xsuite directory.
Put /path/to/xtest/xsuite/xtest/bin in your $PATH.
Build the test suite, by running the commands in BUILD.xf86 .
Edit xtest/tetexec.cfg and make the following changes:
* Change XT_DISPLAY to the display you will use for testing.
* In XT_FONTPATH, change the first item in the list (the path to the
test fonts) to /path/to/xtest/xsuite/xtest/fonts/install/
* Change XT_SPEEDFACTOR to 1 (assuming you are running X locally; this
speeds up the tests significantly)
* Change XT_EXTENSIONS to Yes
* Change XT_VISUAL_CLASSES as appropriate for the available visuals on
your X server.
* In the section "Configuration parameters for Display functions",
change the values as appropriate based on the output of xdpyinfo.
* Change XT_LOCAL to Yes
* Change XT_FONTDIR to /path/to/xtest/xsuite/
Run an X server on the display specified above; add the flags "-ac -s 0"
to turn off access control and disable the screen saver.
Run the X test suite, with the command:
tcc -e -s link_scen xtest linkexec
Wait. (Or kill the server with Ctrl+Alt+Bksp.)
View the test results with "rpt -p".
[1] Note that this X test suite is quite old (dating from XF86 3.3.3);
I'm trying to locate a (usable) newer one.
- Josh Triplett
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