[Xcb] [xsync] attributes of XCBSyncCreateAlarm

Ian Osgood iano at quirkster.com
Wed Jul 19 18:26:17 PDT 2006

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Vincent Torri <vtorri at univ-evry.fr>
Date:  Wed, 19 Jul 2006 19:25:31 +0200 (CEST)

>Usually, for a list of attributes, there is an enum defined in the header 
>file of the extension. I don't see any in the sync.h file.
>According to the doc of the sync protocol, the attributes of 
>XCBSyncCreateAlarm are:
>trigger: of type TRIGGER (counter, value-type, value, test-type)
>delta  : of type int64
>events : of type bool
>so, how can i use attributes with XCBSyncCreateAlarm ?
>thank you

Indeed, I think these defines from xextproto/sync.h are missing:

* Flags for Alarm Attributes
#define XSyncCACounter (1L<<0)
#define XSyncCAValueType (1L<<1)
#define XSyncCAValue (1L<<2)
#define XSyncCATestType (1L<<3)
#define XSyncCADelta (1L<<4)
#define XSyncCAEvents (1L<<5)

xcb-proto/src/extensions/sync.xml should be patched like this:

  <enum name="CA">
    <item name="Counter"><bit>0</bit></item>
    ... etc. ...

Also, I notice that some of the field types of the structs refer to the enumeration names instead of CARD8/16/32. What size do these end up in the structure definitions? C enums don't actually specify a physical size, so these might be incorrect compared to the wire protocol (xextproto/syncstr.h).

These are a few of the reasons why I wouldn't consider any of the xcb-proto work finished and releasable until we have working test code exercising every bit of it.


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