[Xcb] naming convention (finished)

Vincent Torri vtorri at univ-evry.fr
Sun Sep 17 02:38:04 PDT 2006


die, camel case, die !

I have finally beaten that xsl stylesheet. It does compile without 
warning. Some remarks:

1) we must change the name of XCBButton and XCBHost in xproto.xml, 
otherwise, the compilation will fail.

2) we should change the name of XCBSetupReq in xproto.xml to 
XCBSetupRequest, imho.

3) for defines and enum values, instead of TotoTata, I use TOTO_TATA.

4) Because of their name in xproto.xml, some enum values are not very 
good, like XCB_CWBACK_PIXEL. Maybe we should change the name so that we 
obtain XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL. It's easy to do in xproto.xml (changing CW to 

5) the xsl stylesheet file is now a bit ugly. I'm sure that Josh will be 
able to clean it a bit later ;)

6) I've tried to look at the code, to see if there are some problems. I 
didn't see any, but I would like that more people see if there are 
problems in the output code.

7) I've also changed the naming convention of the xcb api. I think that 
it's better to have a consistent scheme.

8) I have modified a (short) prog without looking at xproto.h, modifying 
the names as they should be. There were no problem, compilation and 
execution. Of course, the program were short, but it was a test...

I don't see any other remarks. The diff file is attached. It contains the 
changes in the .xsl file and in the api too. Please comment and check.

thank you

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