[Xcb] [wiki] Plan

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Mon Mar 5 00:13:17 PST 2007

It's a wiki, man---edit it! :-)  We'll fix it or revert it
if it bugs us. :-) :-)


In message <Pine.LNX.4.64.0703040845030.24808 at grozny.maths.univ-evry.fr> you wrote:
> Hey,
> I find the plan on the wiki a bit unreadable. Before adding a menu ala 
> cairo website and in order to help people a bit until that menu is 
> written, I suggest the following plan:
> * Introdction
>    [we put the first sentence of the current wiki here]
> * Download
>    - You can obtain released versions of XCB from 
> http://xcb.freedesktop.org/dist .
>    - Follow the instructions from the InstallationGuide [another page] to 
> build.
> * Development
>    - If you wish to work on XCB, please read the DevelopersGuide 
> [describe what that page is about]. Of course, there's still a lot to do.
>    - Xlib-XCB: To aid porting applications, you can configure Xlib to use
> XCB for the transport layer. We call this  Xlib/XCB.
>    - Mailing lists: Discussion of XCB and Xlib/XCB is through the XCB 
> mailing list.
>    - IRC: XCB developers also hang out on  IRC, and have occasional 
> meetings.
>    - The XcbApi is documented. There is also a tutorial and some random 
> notes.
>    - XML/XCB: XCB is built atop an XML description of the X core protocol 
> and common extension protocols called  XML/XCB. This protocol can be used 
> in other interesting ways.
> * Miscellaneaous
>    - [history]
>    - [publications]
> What do you think ?
> Vincent
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