[Xcb] Lua binding for XCB

Peter Harris peter.harris at hummingbird.com
Mon Nov 5 15:23:11 PST 2007

Here is the binding I wrote to use XCB from Lua:

I use Perl with XML::Simple to read xcb/proto files and generate C. I
chose perl because I am familiar with it, and XSLT was making my head
hurt. The fact that my perl script runs considerably faster than my XSLT
script was running (before I gave up on it) is just a bonus.

I might have chosen python instead of perl, but I have never used python
before. Furthermore, I don't see a 'python' branch in
git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xcb/libxcb - am I looking in the wrong

The binding is incomplete - it only works on xproto.xml, and I've only
implemented the non-generated functions that I actually use. I haven't
even attempted support for extensions yet. That said, the binding is
functional - I am using it internally here.

I welcome any comments or questions you may have.

Peter Harris

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