[Xcb] About the API documentation

Thien-Thi Nguyen ttn at gnuvola.org
Thu Feb 14 02:32:38 PST 2008

() Peter Harris <peter.harris at hummingbird.com>
() Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:33:24 -0500

   The XML was designed to allow easy code 
   generation. libxcb uses XSLT to generate code from the XML, but I found 
   it *much* faster to develop using perl and XML::Simple or XML::Twig; 
   others are using python.

   I initially wrote luaxcb (a Lua binding for XCB's xproto) in about three
   days, if that means anything to you.


Yeah, XML is [insert derogatory spew here].
Scheme-oriented folks might be interested in:
 http://www.gnuvola.org/data/             (duxpd)
 http://www.gnuvola.org/software/ttn-do/  (ttn-do zzz x-protocol)
 http://www.gnuvola.org/wip/              (xplay)


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