[Xcb] Managing bug reports

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Fri Nov 21 10:30:39 PST 2008

>>>>> "Julien" == Julien Danjou <julien at danjou.info> writes:

Julien> I'm not familiar with fdo and/or bugzilla, but would it be possible to
Julien> receive bug reports and/or to assign them to this list for example?

Ideally this list should be the qa-contact and the default assignee for
xcb bugs (until and unless an xcb-bugs list is created).

Having it as the qa-contact means the list still gets a cc of all mail
even if someone assigns the bug to themself.

(Similarlly, fontconfig bugs should have the fontconfig list as a
qa-contact.  There is a bug about the need for that one which has
languished for many months.)

The xorg bugs all have the xorg-team list as the qa-contact; it works well.

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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