[Xcb] Help appreciated, past and future

Christoph Pfister christophpfister at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 18:26:18 PDT 2008

2008/10/21 Jamey Sharp <jamey at minilop.net>:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 07:55:57PM +0200, Christoph Pfister wrote:
>> I can do the moderating if you want (I'm already moderating another
>> list and have to check my mails quite often anyway); but I don't have
>> the time to dive deeper into admin tasks like spam filtering.
> We've had two volunteers already, Peter Harris and Julien Cristau, who
> so far are apparently catching the spam before Mailman gets to tell me
> it's there. This experiment in delegating is working out great--thanks,
> guys! :-)
> So until they want help, I'm inclined to leave it at two list
> moderators.

Yeah, that's reasonable.

>> (couldn't test v3 yet but will do so soon ;)
> Please do! You've been good at finding bugs in my code before. :-)

Ok ... so far I've come across an assertion failure (+/- reproducible)
... backtrace attached ;)
I didn't use git head as a base (for libxcb and libx11), but instead
the debian (testing) versions (hopefully they don't lag behind too
much). Use case is a xlib / xcb mixture (toolkit and xine xcb plugin
sharing the same connection); this has been quite problematic till

> Jamey

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