[Xcb] Splitting up xcb-util repository

Arnaud Fontaine arnaud at andesi.org
Sun Dec 5 22:08:28 PST 2010


    >  Yes, that's  what I  meant.   But, being  consistent is  probably
    > better here.

I think so too.

    >  It's  just  that  I  sometimes stumble  upon  this  when  writing
    > modulesets.  It would also  be easier to find personal clones (are
    >  you working on  xorg/font/util?).  However,  it looks  like there
    >  will  be  one  big  moduleset  soon, and  the  need  to  generate
    > modulesets with scripts will disappear.  So, no real problem.

I  didn't  know  about  modulesets  before but  I  now  understand  your
concern. Anyhow, I think it's better to stay consistent.

I'm not working on xorg/font/util personally.

Thanks for your comments, it does help!

Arnaud Fontaine

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