[Xcb] Patch for better error message in xcbgen

Ulrich Eckhardt doomster at knuut.de
Fri Jun 25 05:57:11 PDT 2010

On Friday 25 June 2010 14:10:05 Christoph Reimann wrote:
> just a note: there are several more small issues like this within the
> generator code -
> I have fixed a number of those already, though currently only on my
> private git tree.


Just so we don't get into each other's way, what I'm working on is improving 
the output of c_client.py so that the headers are readable and look nice. In 
addition, I'm preparing them so that you can get even nicer docs using 
doxygen. As far as the generated code or the declarations are concerned, I'm 
not going to touch those.

> Please keep in mind that the current xcbgen cannot handle xkb.xml, as
> several tags are missing. I have written generating code for all of
> those within the scope of my current GSoC, only the <switch> tag needs
> some final polishing. If you want to parse xkb.xml, I can send you a
> series of _preliminary_ patches over the weekend.

Yes, it's XKB where I noticed this useless error message. I'd also be happy to 
test that our changes don't conflict and merge properly. Otherwise, I'm gone 
over the weekend, so don't expect anything then.



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