[Xcb] 7.7 katamari Release Notes draft & RC1 content list

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Sat Mar 31 19:53:24 PDT 2012

I'm planning on getting the release candidate for the X11R7.7 katamari
posted in the coming week, and to that end, I've attached for review,
the current draft of the release notes, and current list of modules/versions
to be included in the release.

Please review & speak up ASAP if you see anything to correct or improve
in either before we go forward with this release.   (The ReleaseNotes.xml
is pushed to git master, should you wish to submit improvements/corrections
via git format-patch output.)

It's expected that some of the links in the release notes won't work in this
form, but will be working links when all the docs are posted to the X.Org web
site at release time.

	-Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
	 Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc
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