Desktop Entry Standard Comments

Heinrich Wendel sysop at
Tue Jun 10 14:10:42 EEST 2003

On Monday 09 June 2003 22:28, Jonathan Blandford wrote:
> Heinrich Wendel <sysop at> writes:
> > Hi :)
> >
> > I read the now two years old Desktop Enty Standard and have some
> > proposals to change. The first thing I noticed is that the latest sgml
> > version is 0.9.3 but the HTML and PS Version are only 0.9.2 this was a
> > bit confusing, because I found some entries in the kde .desktop files,
> > which weren't present in the specification.
> It'd be good to fix the KDE .desktop files if they're broken.  You
> should probably file a bug with their bug-tracking system.
> > So lets get startet. At first I would drop all items that are marked
> > deprecated, although that's not really necessary, a validation-tool
> > shouldn't tolerate this.
> Why?  There are a lot of desktop entries out there that still use the
> old system.  Given the slow-moving nature of this spec, I don't see a
> pressing need to get rid of them so long as the tools used in
> creating/validating them warn about deprecated and non-standard tags.
> > I don't understand why there is the "Encoding" option. Nearly all
> > .desktop files I've seen use Enconding=UTF-8. Are there any characters in
> > the locale Encodings that can't be displayed by UTF-8?
> The other possible encoding is 'Legacy-Mixed', where the locale
> determines the encoding of a line.  This has been deprecated.
> > Next I would redesign the "Standard Keys"-table so it's more clear which
> > key can be used in which "Type".
> In the spec?  Do you want to send a patch?
> > At last I would also drop the complete MimeType Section as it seem that a
> > new standard for this will be established.
> The standard may yet use this section.  Still, putting a comment in the
> spec stating that this is subject to discussion would probably be smart.

Ok, they still should be mentioned in the standard, but it should be more 
clear that they are deprecated. I wrote an update to the spec, take a look at (.sgml). What I 
did is: Added Jonathan's @Modifier patch, collected all deprecated items in 
one appendix and redesigned the Standard Keys table.

> Thanks,
> -Jonathan
mfg, Heinrich :)

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