menu editing
Calum Benson
calum.benson at
Wed May 14 15:54:59 EEST 2003
On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 22:57, Mike Hearn wrote:
> Sounds like it might be a self fulfilling prophecy to me, but seeing as
> menu editing has been very easy in Win98 and up, and still nobody does
> it, it's probably reasonable anyway.
I'm not entirely convinced I'd call the menu editing in any version of
Windows "very easy" :) In-place drag and drop on the menus is fiddly in
the extreme, and using the Explorer method quickly gets tedious because
individual apps are often buried two or three levels below the Program
Files folder, so you have to keep drilling up and down to add all the
apps you want to one at a time. Not to mention the fact you can never
tell whether the Start menu item or submenu you want to edit is going to
be in the "All Users/Start Menu" folder or the "<username>/Start Menu"
folder until you go hunting for it.
All I really want is a split window with a flat list of all my installed
applications on one side, and a picture of my menu on the other side
that I can drag them in or out of :)
CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum.benson at GNOME Desktop Group +353 1 819 9771
Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems
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