Making pkgconfig easier to use with autoconf

Malcolm Tredinnick malcolm at
Wed Nov 5 01:57:01 EET 2003

On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 04:17, Carl Worth wrote:
> (I didn't see a more relevant list for pkgconfig feature requests, so
> please let me know if I missed something.)
> First, I have to say I'm delighted with pkgconfig. It actually makes
> doing some of the autotools-based build management almost bearable.
> But, I am exceedingly lazy, and I'd like it to be one step
> easier. Currently, in my, I have a list of package
> dependencies, something like:
> 	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CAIRO, slim >= 0.2.0 libic >= 0.1.3 xft xrender >= 0.6)
> Then, I have a parallel list in my file:
> 	Requires: slim libic xft xrender
> And I don't want to have to maintain both lists. Is there already a
> way to do this, and I'm doing something wrong? Otherwise, how hard
> would it be for the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro to set a variable that I
> could drop into my file, something like:

If you are one of the people who likes hacking on m4, you can possibly
modify this macro

to do what you want (that macro purports to create the entire
file, but I have my doubts about its appropriateness in many


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