RPMs and *.desktop files

Julius Schwartzenberg julius at zgod.cjb.net
Sat Mar 6 02:26:38 EET 2004

Waldo Bastian schreef:

>>I could of course add those categories to my *.desktop files, but this
>>doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
>>Should I always put a menu file by default in the
>>desktop/menus/applications-merged directory for the case that a category
>>might not be included in a distro to solve this?
>No, in this case I suggest to add "X-KDE-Edu-Language" as category in addition 
>to "Languages".
This would indeed fix the problem in my own environment, but wouldn't it 
cause problems for people using SUSE 9.0 with Gnome for example?
Also what happens when a distro doesn't support both 'Languages' and 
'X-KDE-Edu-Language'? Do I need to make extra support RPMs for each 
distro if I want it to support certain categories or can I assume that 
all users that would want to use the applications I package are running 
a distro that supports the category properly? (For example, I can expect 
a home/school desktop distro to support the Languages category, but not 
a business oriented one.)
Thanks in advance,

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